Where's Owletta?
Play the Where's Owletta? game and earn classroom Bucks! Owletta is a shy little owl who is hiding somewhere on my website. The first...

A Visit from Jaemor!
Caroline Black from Jaemor Farms came to Lula Elementary today to speak with us about how Jaemor is a part of economics. We learned how...

We Love Our Lula Volunteers!
Greetings, Lula Family! In order to keep our children safe, anyone who works with our children is required to complete online modules and...

Learning to Round
Our math focus has been on rounding numbers! You can review rounding on these websites. http://www.mathsisfun.com/rounding-numbers.html...

Learning to Explain Our Math Reasoning
As students master the concept of rounding numbers, we begin to make the work more challenging by having students justify their thinking....

Reading Workshop
We began several rotations of Reading Workshop this week as students practiced reading independently, reading with the teacher, reading...
Update on Georgia Milestones
#georgiamilestones #crct #parents #doe
Free Digital Textbooks from DOE
Announcement from the Georgia Department of Education: As the 2014-2015 academic year begins, teachers, school leaders, parents and...

Daily Grammar Practice
As we dive into grammar in our Writing Class, we met a very helpful girl named Isamare. IsAmAre B(e). WasWere helps us remember our...

Rounding Numbers
In math, we are finishing up our study of what it means to round numbers. To introduce this unit, we created a huge sidewalk time line...