Our Classroom
Our classroom has a truffela forest theme! Have a look around....

A Call for Fun Friday Volunteers! - Text @LESfun to (678) 974-0480
The teachers and staff at Lula Elementary want to celebrate the wonderful children we have here, but we need your help! Each Friday,...

Remind - A Connection Tool
Parents are encouraged to sign up for Remind - a free tool that sends class reminders as texts to your cell phone or your email. Remind...

Welcome to Ms. Ferrell's 3rd Grade Class!
Hello, everyone! My name is Ms. Tiara Ferrell, and I am excited about being your teacher this year! You can learn more about me on the...

Don't Skip Reading!
Reading for at least 20 minutes is a homework assignment every single day. While it may not seem like that big of a deal, reading every...
Free School Supplies
Air Line Baptist Church will be hosting Bags and Cuts again this year on Sunday, August 3 starting at 4:00 pm. They will have free book...

Scholastic's Guide to 3rd Grade
Scholastic has created a guide for the parents of 3rd graders to help you know what to expect this year. "Review general curricula for...
New Testing System
The Georgia Department of Education recently announced that it will implement a new test during the 2014-2015 school year that will...