A Call for Fun Friday Volunteers! - Text @LESfun to (678) 974-0480
The teachers and staff at Lula Elementary want to celebrate the wonderful children we have here, but we need your help! Each Friday, Lula's top students will earn a celebration of some type and we need LES Family to help supervise and distribute rewards. For donating your time, you'll be part of the reason for the smiling, happy facing of children who really deserve this recognition. To volunteer, text @LESfun to (678) 974-0480. You'll receive a text when we are looking for volunteers. You can contact the school to volunteer if you are able. If you are too busy when you receive the offer, feel free to pass and volunteer next time. We thank you so much for your time! We couldn't do it without you!
Text @LESfun to (678) 974-0480