Updates from Our Class!
Greetings, LES Family!

Welcome to our website! My name is Ms. Ferrell and I am delighted to be your 3rd grade teacher this year! You can learn more about me on the Meet. Ms. Ferrell page.
As you will see, the site is full of information! You can learn about all the exciting things going on in our classroom on Our Class Blog and even come Visit Us in person! If you are wondering about tonight's homework or need to review directions for projects, you can visit the Tasks page. If you hover your mouse of the Tasks tab, you can also see what we'll be covering this whole year! If your little ones need to practice at home or are feeling bored, then visit the Links page and use the website links to explore the world wide web. The links are divided into topics so that you can easily find what you are looking for. While you are there, don't forget to play the Where's Owletta game each month! Finally, you can contact me personally using the Contact page.
I'm excited to see what wonders this year will bring! I'll see you in class!
Best Wishes,
Ms. Ferrell

What Are We Learning Now?
Soon, we'll finish up our study of rocks, minerals, fossils, and soil. Next, we'll move on to Ancient Greece and democracy.
Ready to review for our unit test? Here are some Study Jam videos to help you!
Check out this study guie too!
Ready to jump ahead? If you want a kids eye view of Greece, check out this Travel With Kids PBS video.
First Down for Fitness - Lula Elementary School is honored to participate in the Atlanta Falcon's First Down for Fitness program. This program is designed to challenge third through seventh grade students throughout the state of Georgia to participate in fitness activities, eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Watch THIS VIDEO to learn more!
WATCH THIS to learn the Tip of the Week!
In writing, we're looking into persuasive writing and how to convince people to agree with you! The video below gives you some important ideas on how to persuade.
In math, we are learning how multiplication can be easier than addition in some situations. We are studying arrays. Did you know arrays happen all the time in real life?
In Morning Meeting, we'll be studying several short poems by a new author, Shel Silverstein.
"How Many, How Much"
by Shel Silverstein
How many slams in an old screen door?
Depends on how loud you shut it.
How many slices in a bread?
Depends on how thin you cut it?
Ho wmuch good inside a day?
Depends on how good you life 'em.
How much love inside a friend?
Depends on how much you give 'em.