I Can Excel at Math!
I can identify place values and round to the correct value.
Check your work with the Rounding Calculator - http://calculator.tutorvista.com/rounding-calculator.html
LearnZillion is a great tool that teaches skills using vidoes. Learn about Rounding and Place Value here - https://learnzillion.com/lessonsets/370-round-whole-numbers-to-the-nearest-10-or-100
Practice your estimating and rounding skills by playing Food Fight - http://mrnussbaum.com/food-fight/
Practice your rounding skills by playing Rounding Master - http://mrnussbaum.com/roundingmaster
Practice makes us better mathematicians! Try these drills to practice your rounding skills.
Rounding to the nearest 10 - http://mrnussbaum.com/grade_3_standardsround1
Rounding to the nearest 100 - http://mrnussbaum.com/grade_3_standardsround100scroll
Rounding 4-digit numbers to the nearest 100 - http://mrnussbaum.com/grade_3_standardsround1002scroll/
Basketball meets rounding in this fun game. Choose the level without decimals - http://mrnussbaum.com/rounding/
Race Motorbikes and speed up by correctly rounding numbers in this game - http://www.mathnook.com/math/bike-racing-math-rounding.html
If you liked Bike Racing Math, try other rounding games by Math Nook - http://www.mathnook.com/math/skill/roundinggames.php
Save the fish by clicking on the shark that rounds to the correct number - http://www.free-training-tutorial.com/rounding/sharks.html
I can multiply and divide accurately using numbers 0 - 100.
I can solve problems using a combination of addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division
I can add and subtract using numbers 0 - 1000.
I can identify, draw, and compare fractions.
I can solve problems involving measurement and estimation of time, liquid volume, and object mass.
I can create and read graphs, charts, tables, etc.
I can measure area in square units and find the perimeter of polygons.
I can compare two dimensional quadrilaterals.
Basic Math Vocabulary
Other Ways to Multiply
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