As a third grader, I can...
What are "I Can" Statements?
These sentences begin with the words "I can" and then describe something that you, as a third grader, should know or be able to do.
What are "I Can" Statements used for?
They are used to help you keep track of your progress and figure out what areas you need to study.
How are the "I Can" Statements organized?
They are organized by subject first. Then, they are organized by standard (CCGPS or GPS). Some standards will have only one "I Can" Statement while others will have multiple statements.
What do I do if I think I can do it?
It's always good to practice! Each "I Can" Statement has links for information but many also have games you can play to help you really master the information - and get a high score to celebrate in class.
What if I can't do what it says?
You'll find resources to help you study all of the statements. Just click on the links for help. You can also ask anytime in class! You are smart and hard working, so don't let I can't stop you from learning how!
Let's begin!
Here is a PDF of all of the 3rd grade I Can Statements.
Don't let the amount scare you. We've got 1,440 hours to cover it. That gives us 5 hours per statement - plenty of time!