I Can Excel at Social Studies!
I can explain ancient Greece's influence on modern America's democracy, law, architecture, and the Olympic Games; I can compare Athens's direct democracy with the United States's representative democracy.
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I can discuss the lives of Americans who expanded people's rights and freedoms, including obstacles they overcame, locations significant to their lives (and how it influenced them), and positive character traits (including how he/she chose when to respect authority).
Paul Revere - Independence
Frederick Douglass - Civil Rights
Susan B. Anthony - Women's Rights
Mary MeLeod Bethune - Education
Franklin D. Roosevelt - New Deal and World War II
Eleanor Roosevelt - United Nations and Human Rights
Thurgood Marshall - Civil Rights
Lyndon B. Johnson - Great Society and Voting Rights
Cesar Chavez - Worker's Rights
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I can identify the major rivers (Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, and Hudson) and the major mountain ranges (Appalachian and Rocky) of the United States.
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I can locate places on a map (including the Equator, Prime Meridian, and Greece).
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I can describe the four types of productive resources (natural/land, human/labor, capital/goods, and entrepreneurship/services and goods), discuss taxes and the goods/services they provide, give examples of interdependence and trade, and explain that some goods are made locally but others are made in other countries (who use different currency).
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