Family Turkey Project - due Friday, November 14th
Dear Family,
We need your help! Your child brought home a letter and a turkey template in their OWL Folders today. Help this turkey make it safely past Thanksgiving by disguising him. Turkeys that have made it through in the past have been dressed like ballerinas, football players, farmers, hula dancers, Elvis, etc. Think of something unique or special to your family and disguise your turkey accordingly.
Please have fun and be creative! You may use anything you can think of to decorate. Family turkeys in the past have been decorated with crayons, macaroni, craft feathers, tissue paper, wallpaper scraps, dried beans, rice, clothes and shoes cut from newspaper adds, ribbons, fabric scraps, etc. Please follow these directions when disguising your turkey.
• Cut out the turkey.
• Decide how to disguise him and have fun.
• Use the attached paper and help your child write a description of the disguise as if the turkey is talking.
• Return to school by November 14th