Free Digital Textbooks from DOE
Announcement from the Georgia Department of Education: As the 2014-2015 academic year begins, teachers, school leaders, parents and...

Daily Grammar Practice
As we dive into grammar in our Writing Class, we met a very helpful girl named Isamare. IsAmAre B(e). WasWere helps us remember our...

Rounding Numbers
In math, we are finishing up our study of what it means to round numbers. To introduce this unit, we created a huge sidewalk time line...

"GRAND" Persons Lunch
In honor of Grandparents Day on Sunday, September 7th, Lula Elementary would like to celebrate the "GRAND" people in our students' lives...

Mr. Alexander's Ice Bucket Challenge
On Monday, Mr. Alexander announced that he was issued an Ice Bucket Challenge and would complete it if the school would collect money to...
ALS Awareness
As your children may have told you, Mr. Alexander was issued an official ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. He said that each homeroom who...

Digital Book Resources
Check out these digital books from the Lula library! Visit Ms. Williams Libary Website here: -

Math Focus - Rounding
Our class is studying rounding in math! Help your child practice at home with these sites: Having trouble with rounding? This video can...

Bulldog 5K Run
When: Saturday, October 18, 2014 9:00am - 5K Run 10:00am - 1K Run Where: Start at Lula Elementary School and run around the Lula...
Week 3 Learning Goals
As we enter our third full week of school, students are really beginning to dive into new content. Students should be able to answer...