Readers are Thinkers!
This week, we have been reviewing the things good readers do. Cayleigh volunteered to lead the class in today's reading focus activity. ...

World Trade Model - An Introduction to Economics
As we prepare to launch into our first social studies unit on economics next week, we introduced the concept of economics today through a...

Writing Together
This week, we have been preparing to begin our Writing Workshop. Today's lesson focused on working with others to improve our writing. ...

Morning Meetings
Morning Meetings are an important part for our daily class routine. Morning Meetings have four parts: a greeting, a time for sharing, an...

A Wonderful Math Tool (for school and home)
Dear Parent, I'm excited to let you know that we'll be using AdaptedMind Math, an online math site, in class. You can also use it for...

Help Our Classroom Get Free Books!
Sunny D has a program that will donate 20 books to our classroom if we can collect the UPC barcodes from 20 Sunny D drinks (6.75oz to...
Reading Logs
Students should be reading at home each night and recording what they read on their nightly reading logs. Parents, you will notice some...
Hello! Hello! (video)

We are Writers!
We began our first piece of writing today! Students had to imagine they had turned into an inanimate object and write about their day as...
Lunch and Phone Extension
Hello, LES Family! Our class's lunch time is from 12:10 - 12:40 each day, if you would like to eat with your child. To contact me, you...