Rounding Numbers
In math, we are finishing up our study of what it means to round numbers. To introduce this unit, we created a huge sidewalk time line that let us see for ourselves what number "islands" (or benchmark numbers) we could round to from a given number.

Students are working with their partners to answer questions based on our number line. Since this activity was an introduction, students kept their worksheets until Friday so that they could review their answers as they learned more during the week. Above, Kaylee and Halle stand on the number 60 to see which nearby digits could round to that benchmark number. Around them, other groups study the number line and discuss their ideas.

Joshua and Jameson use their feet to mark a number's position on the number line as they count to see which benchmark number is closer.

After discussing it as a group, Stella writes down her group's answer as Dany and Devin offer additional ideas.
We will finish up rounding next week. Students will see this concept again on their first math unit test.