Unit 2 Math Test on Friday
There will be a math test on Friday over Unit 2. Students have been preparing for several weeks using study guides to review...
Weekly Agenda for 9/29/14
Good afternoon, LES Family! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Here's a look at next week: HOMEWORK AGENDA: - Students have done a...

Rounding Rap
Rounding Rap For several weeks, we have been studying how to round numbers. initially, students learned how to use number lines to...

Math Help at Home
If you find yourself near a Dollar General, then pick up one of these great math resources! These great books only cost $1! These books...

Learning to Round
Our math focus has been on rounding numbers! You can review rounding on these websites. http://www.mathsisfun.com/rounding-numbers.html...

Learning to Explain Our Math Reasoning
As students master the concept of rounding numbers, we begin to make the work more challenging by having students justify their thinking....

Rounding Numbers
In math, we are finishing up our study of what it means to round numbers. To introduce this unit, we created a huge sidewalk time line...
Week 3 Learning Goals
As we enter our third full week of school, students are really beginning to dive into new content. Students should be able to answer...

A Wonderful Math Tool (for school and home)
Dear Parent, I'm excited to let you know that we'll be using AdaptedMind Math, an online math site, in class. You can also use it for...