Rounding Rap
Rounding Rap

For several weeks, we have been studying how to round numbers. initially, students learned how to use number lines to decide which tens digit was closest to the given number. As students mastered this, we began rounding with larger numbers. Finally, as we wrap up this part of our math study, we learned the Rounding Rap. This tool will help students remember the step to rounding numbers and add another strategy that they can use in the future.
Ask your child to show you how to move with our rap.

Halle and Ulissa are practicing reciting the Rounding Rap. In this picture, they are posing "like a hero".

Rebekah and Stella got really into our Rounding Rap. The girls even added a great ending. Rappers sometimes end their songs by saying, "Word!" We began ending our Rounding Rap with "Math!".