Writing and Words
Some of our focuses in Reading and Writing this week were our new vocabulary Word groups and finishing our last rough draft for our...

Economics Presentations
Over the past two weeks, we've been working on an Economics Project to showcase how entrepreneurs and businesses use economics in their...
Earn Class Bucks - Week 2
This week's word is ingeous Have your child tell you what that word means! ^_^
Field Trip Chaperon Information
In order for an adult to attend, he/she must complete the compliance director module on mandated reporting and FERPA. This is state law...
Weekly Agenda for 9/29/14
Good afternoon, LES Family! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Here's a look at next week: HOMEWORK AGENDA: - Students have done a...

Bus Safety
Last week, we reviewed important bus safety rules and procedures for Bus Safety Day. Below, you'll see Kamdun, Elvie, Joshua, Josh, and...

3rd Grade's First Field Trip!
Your child can participate in an exciting field trip to Fernbank Museum on Thursday, October 16th! We will be leaving the school at 8:20...
Earn Class Bucks!
Hello, LES Family! Help your child earn free classroom bucks just by checking out our class blog each week and following these easy...
Super, Amazing, Totally on It, Awesome Students of the Week - Fun Friday Rewards
#funday #students #pictures #superstudents

Rocks rock!
We finally began our unit on rocks, fossils, and soils this week! Students were very excited and enjoyed the videos from our Links of...