Day 1 - Discussions
We had a wonderful first day! The class had our first Morning Meeting, learned the class rules, visited all of our CAMP classrooms,...

A Call for Fun Friday Volunteers! - Text @LESfun to (678) 974-0480
The teachers and staff at Lula Elementary want to celebrate the wonderful children we have here, but we need your help! Each Friday,...

Remind - A Connection Tool
Parents are encouraged to sign up for Remind - a free tool that sends class reminders as texts to your cell phone or your email. Remind...

Don't Skip Reading!
Reading for at least 20 minutes is a homework assignment every single day. While it may not seem like that big of a deal, reading every...
New Testing System
The Georgia Department of Education recently announced that it will implement a new test during the 2014-2015 school year that will...