A Bad Case of Stripes - Book Character Dress Up - October 31
Our class has selected A Bad Case of Stripes as our Book Parade book of choice. Students are encouraged to dress up as characters from the book. Before we get into costumes, let's get an overview of the book itself.
Find a sneak peek here: A Bad Case of Stripes, by David Shannon, is the story of young Camilla Cream, a closeted lover of lima beans and a worrier about others’ opinions of her. On the first day of school, Camilla wakes up to find herself completely covered in rainbow stripes! If the stripes were not bad enough, Camilla’s skin develops everything people suggest she has – someone says ‘checkerboards,’ another says ‘bacteria,’ and she breaks out in checkerboard pattern and bacteria tails. When the Doctor, Specialists, Experts, and many others cannot figure out what’s causing the stripes, a little old woman appears with what just might be the cure.
This book has a great lesson about the importance of being true to yourself and not changing into what other people think you should be.
This Readers Theater Play offers a good full summary of the book: http://www.timelessteacherstuff.com/readerstheater/BadCaseOfStripes.pdf
Heare the actual book read here: http://www.storylineonline.net/a-bad-case-of-stripes/
Now let's talk about characters. Here are a few pages in the book that offer possible character ideas for students to dress up and step onto the pages.


Character ideas include someone who caught a bade case of stripes, a doctor, an expert scientists, a news reporter, and the old lady. Below, you'll see some real people who dressed up in costumes based on the book.