We Wish You a Merry Christmas - ASL - Full Song
Here is the complete sign language for We Wish You a Merry Christmas! #holiday #students #video
This Week's Homework
#agenda #homework #video #parents
Jingle Bell Rock Dance - for Students Only!
Practice our Jingle Bell Rock dance at home! #holiday #video
We Wish You a Merry Christmas in ASL - For PTO Skit
Learn to sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas in sign language! We'll do this as part of our skit. #video #students #holiday #communityevent
What Are We Studying This Week? - December 1 (Video Update)
#students #video #parents #agenda

Happy Halloween from our class!
Click here to watch our Happy Halloween greeting! #students #video
Rock Cycle Chant
As we studied how rocks changed from one type to another, we learned a chant to help us remember. It goes like this... Break - Move -...

My New Friend is So Fun - Student Created Reader's Theater
During Reading Workshop, several students were inspired to turn the book they were reading into a play - and the rest of the class was...

Mr. Alexander's Ice Bucket Challenge
On Monday, Mr. Alexander announced that he was issued an Ice Bucket Challenge and would complete it if the school would collect money to...